隆達科技有限公司多年以來一直為廣大客戶引入優質產品。 除此之外,亦於本年度開始參與及贊助體育活動。
Ample Way Technology Limited has been introducing high-quality products to our customers for many years. In addition, it also started participating in and sponsoring sports activities this year.
. 2021-2022年度,本公司繼續與精英足球學院合作,支持
該校青苗 培訓及比賽.
. From 2021-2022, the company will continue to cooperate
with the Elite Soccer Academy to support the school's young
crop training and participation in competitions.

標題 1
This year, we cooperated with the Elite Soccer Academy and sponsored to participate in the 2020-2021 Jockey Club Futsal League organized by The Hong Kong Football Association Ltd (HKFA). The team also won the League (Div-2) and the FA Cup with unbeaten results throughout the season.

六月份隆達科技有限公司亦組隊參與由NIKE SOCCER CAMP 主辦的工商機構盃11人足球邀請賽, 與國際保險企業, 大專院校及紀律部隊等同場交流, 促進工商機構之認識, 培養團隊精神及體育精神。
In June, Ample Way Technology Limited also formed a team to participate in the 11-a-side Football Invitational Tournament of the Industrial and Commercial Organizations Cup organized by NIKE SOCCER CAMP, and exchanged views with international insurance companies, colleges and universities, and disciplinary forces to promote the understanding of industrial and commercial organizations, cultivate team spirit and sportsmanship.

Corporate Social Responsibility